Questions You Need to Ask Before Hiring a Plumber in Bend, Oregon
Hiring a plumber for your home contracting work may seem like an inimitable task, but it does not necessarily have to be. In fact, if you remember to ask the following questions, it should be smooth sailing as far as hiring plumbers in Bend, OR.
What Is the Cost?
Any experienced plumber should be able to give you an estimate as to what any job will cost. However, keep in mind to stay far away from plumbers who give you an estimate over the phone without ever venturing out to see what work actually needs to be done. This is a huge red flag that the work will be subpar and you will regret the “bargain price” later on.
Who Is Doing the Actual Work?
Just because the person you speak with on the phone or who visits your property is an experienced plumber means that they will be the one who is doing the actual work. Many contractors hire subcontractors to do a portion of their work for them. These subcontractors may not be as experienced or hold the same credentials as the person with whom you speak. Always make sure that the person you think is doing the work is the one actually doing it.
Are They Licensed?
While it may seem like common sense to make sure the plumbers in Bend, OR, you use are licensed, plenty of homeowners try to save money by hiring unlicensed contractors. This is not only illegal in most states, but it can void your homeowner’s insurance policy.
If you need experienced and professional plumbers, contract Ponderosa Heating & Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical today.