Reasons Why Residential Air Conditioning Repair in Greeley CO Is a Smart Decision

by | Oct 26, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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When Residential Air Conditioning Repair in Greeley CO becomes necessary, the homeowners may be quite surprised. In a climate like that of the Greeley area, central air conditioning is used much less frequently than heating systems are. Central air units may run for 10 or 15 years before they ever malfunction.

Increasing Efficiency

In some cases, people might decide not to bother with Residential Air Conditioning Repair in Greeley CO. It might be getting near the end of summer or they may have decided they’re spending too much on electricity. But having the unit repaired, cleaned and adjusted can result in a significant drop in electric costs because it will run more efficiently.

Health Benefits

Air conditioning is increasingly viewed as a necessity instead of a luxury. Excessive heat is stressful physically, and that’s particularly true of individuals with chronic health problems and those who take certain types of medication. Elderly people generally have a harder time managing high temperatures. A central air system can be considered a health benefit.

Air Quality

Greeley, unfortunately, has a nationwide reputation for smelling like cow manure because of a large feedlot that used to be located there. The feedlot is long gone, but a meat-packing plant still is a source of complaints regarding air quality. People who live near the municipal sewer plant may also not always be thrilled about air quality.

Residents who want to avoid those odors wafting in on the breeze during the summer need to keep their windows closed. Having a central a/c operating properly is essential for getting some air circulation and not dealing with the stale air.

Considering Replacement

If the central air system is more than 15 years old, it may be time to consider having it replaced. Newer models are substantially more energy efficient and can save homeowners money on the annual power bill. That consideration becomes even more pertinent if the furnace is very old and due for replacement. Having both projects done together will save money by avoiding separate service calls. Technicians with a company such as Poudre Valley Air provide installation, repair and maintenance service for both heating and cooling systems.

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